Tuesday, November 28, 2006

ohh those memories

I just proved the fallacy that women and technique are a poor match wrong, or sort of. The quality is not impressive but it works! Actually it is a double satisfaction succeeding in posting the video as it is my first homemade video of its kind. It has absolutely no relevance right now as summer seems a decade ago and mexico an exotic city situated in another galaxy but it sooths my soul everytime I see this blurry homemade piece of art.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

A dog's life

Dogs are nice. And dogs live a nice life. In Danish there is an expression "living a Dog's life" and strangely it is used to descibe a miserable life. I fail to see how a dog's life is miserable; who wouldn't like to just wake up to a plate of food, go for a walk (without a leach preferable), taking a nap, eating again etc. and whenever people see you they want to touch you and play with you...hmmmm, please tell me what is wrong with that. The mexican dogs may be the luckiest though, they live a life without ever seeing a leach hanging out in groups "sexercising" and taking naps in groups.

Monday, November 13, 2006

if only

On days like these it is vital to remember that Denmark actually can be so nice that you feel like being outside all day and as far away from a computer as you can. It IS warm a couple of months a year although fall and winter seem way longer than the two other seasons....maybe the global warming isn't all that bad after all.


Halloween has come to its' end so no more kids dressed in strange clothes begging for candy - for most of us a relief but for others a sad realization that time has come to say goodbye....