Tuesday, December 19, 2006

aha now I see

Here we go, the reason those Americans actually end up XXXL.....

XXXL Americans

I believe that human beings deep down are extremely lazy and will jump the fence at the lowest point whenever possible. The Americans may just be the best at this at least it seems they have found numerous ways to jump the fence in their everyday life. After a week in New York I must say I am amazed by some of these jump-fence-maneuves, here are some of these maneuvers. They cut all the vegetables and fruits; garlic, carrots, salad, apples, melon etc. and you can buy healthy prepared take-away food in every second store on manhatten. Considering the fact that vegetables, fruits and healthy food is available at every coner it is somewhat strange that sooo many of the inhabitants are XXXL.


On the way to New york among all the crap turisty shops with crappy food I found this really nice café and the friendliest waiter. I really respect people who do their job properly no matter what their job is, the key is pride. That coffee with the cool waiter in that nice café made me happy all day.

a day out with the friends

Just turned 31. Instead of an ordinary birthday I decided to make an activity day with the closest friends in the true spirit of Carl mar, a well known Danish (cave) man who looks like the missing link and who helps men to be real men, hence letting them role around in mud naked and competing etc. We skipped the naked part and avoided the mud but besides from that we competed like real warriors. Surprising how competitive peolpe are when it comes to competing for the honor, it took blood, sweat and tears (of laughter that is) before the winners were found but having said that at the end all that actually mattered was the fun we had. From now on more competition and less caffe latte!

Friday, December 8, 2006

Ipod - a prosac substitute?

I am not the only one who happens to love Ipods and Ibooks, but my emotions towards these two objects are very strong, so strong that I guess they would have the same effect on me as prosac have on some people. I can change my mood in an instant and walk for hours even on Mondays in rainy weather if I just have my Ipod with me. So today's salute is for the Ipod and the Ibook, after all they belong together.

Cute Law - mistakingly named Jude Law

In Danish there is a old school saying that directly translated is something like "thanks is merely a poor word" (certainly better in Danish) but extraordinary gratitude is what I felt towards my dearest friend Bettina after leaving "The Holiday". We are talking 2 hours and 16 min. with Jude Law filling out the whole screen and making a long rather embarresingly bad movie waaaaayy to short. I can truthfully say that Jude Law must be the second most beautiful man in the world, my daker latin version of the most beautiful man still sits solidly on the throne even (or especially) when wearing a santa hat.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Elvis is alive

Must admit this pictures shows not one but two things that made me smile several times today; the elvis/jesus poster and the burning candels. That's how easy I am just give me a candle and I am basically happy. True, there is nothing amazing about this but often it is the small things that catch your eyes and make the day just a bit better. So hurray for Elvis in a jesus disguise (only his mom would tell the difference) and some candles. Good night Denmark - whereever you are.

Sex and the city

I don't know exactly why this series managed to spellbind a whole generation with its endless talk of the sometimes dreadfull sometimes fantastic singlelife with endless one night stands and colourful drinks. Maybe cause most women could see themselves - or at least fragments of themselves - reflected in one/more of the four girls or because their life seemed a good alternative to dull day at the office ending in a quiet night in the couch. Nonrtheless, I loved it and seeing them all and Mr Big again made me redicilously happy. Long live sex and the city!

Monday, December 4, 2006

Death by Caffeine

Maybe coffee actually IS as damaging to your health as some claim - I went to a four day seminar by the famous coach/guru Anthony Robbins and remember trying to find a suitable face expression when we (=10.000 people participating) were told that the next coffee could kill us. What a completely redicilous thing to say, as if coffee is a danger to humankind on line with the bird epedemic or drugs for that matter - and as if there aren't enough things to worry about. In other words I do not share that fear and there is no way I am giving up my morning coffee on that account! Cause that is my fourth posting, my all time favourite morning coffee!!

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Feliz navidad, Frohe Weinachten, God jul o.s.v.

Xmas is definitely one of my favourite times - it is probably the only month a year with so many food temptations and knowing there is at least 6 months before you will find yourself wearing bikinis and mini skirts you can actually allow yourself to follow your daily food frenzies....Having said that food is not the only reason why my mood is remarkedly better than in November, the xmas decorations and all the lights everywhere, I cannot help it I am a succes for xmas lights. The first picture is from my favourite street in Copenhagen, Værnedamsgade, nomatter the time of year it is a cosy little street with a nabourghship that you do no see so often in big capitals like Copenhagen. The street is full of small speciality shops and there is an extraordinary great atmosphere especially now.
The other picture is from our home, Miguel just proved himself a true Macgyver and I think I may just have to sleep on the couch all night so the first thing I see when going to the toilet is the self-installed xmas star.

Our personal "Casino Royal" in Søborg

In the spirit of James Bond's "Casino Royale" I tried playing poker for the first time yesterday with my boyfriend and a good friend and I can see myself getting addicted, however a nice discovery that my potential addictions aren't always connected to food, candy or cake! You automatically feel like smoking a big Havanna and drinking Martinis or cognac even though you are a non-smoker (cannot say I am a non-drinker though having cut down on the intake of colourfull cocktails). I guess it is the same as with most other games you cannot help being entertained, amused and time flies. Games rule!!!

Friday, December 1, 2006

Let the challenge begin - 1st December

Today the challenge finally began: in December me and my childhood friend, aka Dex Dexter, are posting an image every day - an image that makes us happy. This is an idea that I must humbly admit to have copied from a girl whose "myhappinessproject" have made me eager to open my computer every morning to see what made her day. It is a simple yet brilliant way to make you focus merely on the positive things and I have been triggerhappy all day taking pictures of a multitude of small things, which made the selcting of just one picture almost impossible. Of the many pictures I took I made a shortlist and ended up with these pictures.

For the first time in my 31 years I tried Ben & Jerry's icecream - I am amazed by the taste, it's CRAZY!!! The mere selection of flavours is stunning. I completely took ownership of what should have been icecream for 20 people and my colleagues were almost frightened by me, as was I actually. Right now I feel like the biggest and fattest couchpotato and I am thinking it probably would have been best for me not to have been introduced to that icecream - ever. Arrrrghhh