Sunday, December 3, 2006

Feliz navidad, Frohe Weinachten, God jul o.s.v.

Xmas is definitely one of my favourite times - it is probably the only month a year with so many food temptations and knowing there is at least 6 months before you will find yourself wearing bikinis and mini skirts you can actually allow yourself to follow your daily food frenzies....Having said that food is not the only reason why my mood is remarkedly better than in November, the xmas decorations and all the lights everywhere, I cannot help it I am a succes for xmas lights. The first picture is from my favourite street in Copenhagen, Værnedamsgade, nomatter the time of year it is a cosy little street with a nabourghship that you do no see so often in big capitals like Copenhagen. The street is full of small speciality shops and there is an extraordinary great atmosphere especially now.
The other picture is from our home, Miguel just proved himself a true Macgyver and I think I may just have to sleep on the couch all night so the first thing I see when going to the toilet is the self-installed xmas star.

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