Thursday, May 31, 2007

The first virgin summer wine

A day like today is a reason to celebrate life, the sun has been shining from the early morning and even stayed warm and inviting for us office slaves that swarmed the streets at 17 o'clockdesperately seeking a sunny spot. I thus managed to enjoy 3 hours of sun and had the first glass of wine with lime for 8 months - a tradition that goes long back shared by my friend Bettina and I. Halleluja!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Playing petanque in the spirit of old french men gathering around their national sport measuring the distance between the balls and discussing this is quite fun actually. After a hot day at work I had a couple of rounds of petanque in a nearby park and petanque lane. I wouldn't think it was too seeworthy but we ended up having audience in the shape of a middleaged man with a strong beer (I guess in case the game would get a bit too boring) so we felt quite proffesional.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Yet another trip

Another saturday has passed, howcome that day always seem to go faster than any other day?!! Saturday is indeed a fabulous day. This time we changed our saturday habits slightly - very daring of us we thought - and went to Roskilde to see the city, talk dirty about funny-looking people and sleep on a pier. With us we brought Piupiu - the small yellow bird who permanently looks like life is splendid and the funny thing is that it is contagerous - there is no way you can be grumpy when looking at this little happy-go-lucky guy. Who needs chocolate, prosac or other stimuli when you can simply buy a Piupiu...

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

a fieldtrip - getting to know your country as a starters

Now that summer has come I have made it my mission to get to know my country a bit better, broughten my horizon a bit and go places I haven't been before - and starting with the nearby cities seem a comfortable goal. So 2 weekends ago we packed our bags, bought a coffee and bread afterwhich we literally jumped a train and left for Helsingør. Not quite an exotic city but very relaxing and nice. The week after we did the exact thing (even bought the coffee and the bread the same place - some much for broadening our horizons) and went to Odense, the place where H.C. Andersen was born. We somehow managed to make time for a nap on a bench both weekends, it is not that we are that old though but nothing beats a 20 minuts powernap in the sun. Nevertheless, it is a relief to come back to good old Copenhagen at night and end up sitting in the couch watching late night films. As the Danish saying goes: ude godt hjemme bedst (something like "being other places is nice but at home is best")