Saturday, June 30, 2007

Robert/Boisen summer party

The theme being posh sailor we had our yearly summer party yesterday with people being dressed up in different interpretations of the theme. Wearing my high heals and dancing 5 hours non stop I can hardly walk today and all I can think about is when I can go to bed. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Global warming's strange sideeffects

As is the global warming isn't disasterous in itself! The other day on my way home from work I was completely blown away by the amount of rats by the central lakes. I have never seen that many rats and I would have preferred not to know, ignorance is bless.
We were more witnesses to this display of fat rats and a dog owner told me his dog was attacked by a gang of rats a couple of days ago, how creepy is that anyway?!! Rats beginniing to act like human beings?? Not only do they thrive on the increasing amount of bacterias caused by the global warming they form gangs and attach creatures 50 times their size! I then realized there are probably many more sideeffects to the global warming that we can begin to imagine.

Monday, June 25, 2007

What happens in Cannes stays in Cannes...

..or so I was told. However I will risk breaking this apparently unwritten rule and state the fact that I found myself in a temporary Paradise; 4 days of seeing the best creative work there is, going to seminars and going out at night. 11 hours sleep in 3 nights would normally be anything but sufficient and although I was close to fainting because of the lack of sleep I will start counting down the days until next year. The last seminar with Al Gore somehow rounded up the cannes Lion neatly, that man deserves respect!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Christ! Please someone tell these people to either find a hobby of some kind or direct their time on useful causes like helping to prevent racism, finding a cure for HIV, fundraising for improving African children's everyday life, saving wildlife or lost dogs...anything but this! For people not accustomed to the tradition they are prostesting against let me briefly explain: once a year burning a stuffed homemade witch look-alike doll on a bonfire. UHHHH crazy stuff...

Monday, June 18, 2007

Another day at the Cannes

With the motto "The more things you see the more ideas you have" the yearly creme-de-la-creme of the worlds' commercials is taking place in Cannes this week. The festival is called Cannes Lions and it is suposedly a perfect mix of seeing the most incredible creative work and drinking colourful drinks with funky looking people. I fear funky as in people wearing sunglassed indore, who hand out business cards every 5 minutes and who only feel like talking about themselves and their successes, but I will know in a couple of days, as of now I just can't wait until I have swapped my computer and my coffee with the sunset in Cannes and a Mojito.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Giant penis in public

Someone had fun making this giant penis and hanging it in a public place for people to admire. It definitely brings out the smile.

Saturday opening of new beach bar

Sometimes things turn out better than you expected. Last saturday was one of those days where you wan't to relive that day over and over again like "Ground hog day" just with the minor detail that there was nothing to improve! A long day with friends on the beach and a long night with more friends seeing the sun go down ...and up again. Not bad at all.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Bare flesh parade and cow parade

Nothing like bare flesh to lighten up a rainy saturday, not that many half-naked men though but what the heck - you still get a bit excited when listening to samba rythms and seeing happy faces defying the weather. Cow parade doesn't quite have the same effect on you but it is still fun to see wacky and wicked cows in all disguises. The cow dressed in bathing clothes standing on its two back legs really made me laugh, it looks so blessfully happy and content.