Sunday, October 7, 2007

Spring come

Some weeks pass by and all you did was work - hard. You feel more like a machine than human and a whole day in front of a computer or in meetings effeciently sucks out all life out of you. This is where nature does wonders to you. The strong redish colours never fail from astonishing me - I get so excited over the display of colours that I forget everything about long exhausting meetings or unhealthy rays from the computer screen. Funny how much time we spend indoor nowadays when nature is so much more fun to be in.


Dino said...

The sad part is that those redish colors last such a short while. Too soon, all that is left to see is naked branches, stripped of all color and life, and the scarred bark on the treetrunks.

Those are great excuses to go to cafés, restaurants or just cuddle up in the sofa with a blanket and the remote control .. ahem.. I mean "War and Peace" by Tolstoy.

Dino said...

Happy birthday, Rikke! I hope your day will be filled with off-key singing and candles on cakes. --= Christianito