Friday, December 1, 2006

Let the challenge begin - 1st December

Today the challenge finally began: in December me and my childhood friend, aka Dex Dexter, are posting an image every day - an image that makes us happy. This is an idea that I must humbly admit to have copied from a girl whose "myhappinessproject" have made me eager to open my computer every morning to see what made her day. It is a simple yet brilliant way to make you focus merely on the positive things and I have been triggerhappy all day taking pictures of a multitude of small things, which made the selcting of just one picture almost impossible. Of the many pictures I took I made a shortlist and ended up with these pictures.

For the first time in my 31 years I tried Ben & Jerry's icecream - I am amazed by the taste, it's CRAZY!!! The mere selection of flavours is stunning. I completely took ownership of what should have been icecream for 20 people and my colleagues were almost frightened by me, as was I actually. Right now I feel like the biggest and fattest couchpotato and I am thinking it probably would have been best for me not to have been introduced to that icecream - ever. Arrrrghhh

1 comment:

Dex Dexter said...

You can serve that for Dex Dexter next time you're throwing a dinner at Hovesan's... chocolate flavour is always a winner!!!