Monday, August 13, 2007

home sweet home

It really beats me how they can call it 'airport arrival service' - I mean it can't be argued that the 'airport arrival' part of the word is correct but the 'service' part is rather doubtful. Returning home from Spain my luggage was left in the bermuda triangle of travel bags, a place no airline or airport seem to know anything about. One week of imagining my bag drifting off in the stream of nameless bags never to return home finally came to an end Saturday - I felt almost 100% happy when bringing the bag home and seeing it on my door step - maybe there just is no bag bermuda triangle or maybe my bag just got away in time, but thank God it is back


Ullina said...

I am soo happy for you the bag got home safely! The almost perfect ending to a definitely fabulous vacation!! Putting on sun tan oil will just never be the same again.. BTW you got me completely addicted to gossip magazines, in the absence of OK! I caught myself checking up on Lindsay Lohan on Wikipedia today. Now it's ME needing to go into rehab!

Anonymous said...

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