Saturday, December 29, 2007


Xmas is all about food, more food and of course family. Knowing that you are only supposed to eat what can be in one of your hands it is pretty scary how much you eat during christmas. You eat even when you don't feel like eating just because there is so much of it. It is almost as if you have to make up for all the times you have said 'No' to chocolate cake, candy etc. all year - judging from the amount of chocolate I had it would definitely have been healthier to say 'yes' more often all year round rather than eating one year's accumulated sweets in just three days!

Barcelona - on a 3 day shopping and bar spree

The first time I visited NY I fell in love with the city to such an extent that I suffered severely when having to leave. Barcelona is the only city so far that have come close to giving me the same sensation of feeling heartbroken when going on board the airplane not knowing when I will be back. This time I went there with all my colleagues and all though Barcelona was as charming as ever we might just as well have been to Calella or Ibiza. No sleep, too many drinks and extremely close to being thrown out of the hotel you should have thought we were a high school class on it's first trip away from mom and dad......but what a blast!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Xmas dinner

December is normally a tour de force in heavy Danish traditionel food and social arrangements. This year has been a bit less hectic social wise and less heavy food wise, which makes you appreciate both - you could say 'less is more'. And no words are needed actually, we all know the drill.

What friends are for...

I guess you wouldn't say not having a wardrobe is a crisis situation but it can almost feel that way when you have lived in a complete clothes caos for months. And when finally getting the wardrobe it is as heavy as a car and almost as impossible to assemble. And that is what freinds are for - among other things - helping you out by engaging in the physically and mentally challeging situation...

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Give me a hammock and a daiquiri

Christ, I miss summer already and there is a looong time until Wnther and Spring have passed. So much for my last blog praising the colours in the Fall. No sir, give me a hammock, a bikini, a quiet Spanish speaking island, a daiquiri and someone to supply me fresh fruit all day long and I will be happy.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Spring come

Some weeks pass by and all you did was work - hard. You feel more like a machine than human and a whole day in front of a computer or in meetings effeciently sucks out all life out of you. This is where nature does wonders to you. The strong redish colours never fail from astonishing me - I get so excited over the display of colours that I forget everything about long exhausting meetings or unhealthy rays from the computer screen. Funny how much time we spend indoor nowadays when nature is so much more fun to be in.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

pay back time

There is nothing/noone a good meal and some solid drinks can't buy - not even extra labor hours from parents who'd rather go shopping or taking a nap. After a long weekend working on a rather caotic apartment dex dexter and I invited our parents out for a nice meal and some drinks. I should have know my mother would take advantage of this and on purpose seek out the most expensive drinks on the menu. But then again they saved me from having to go through all the hassle of finding and having to pay for unreliable premium priced carpenters, painters, plummers etc......I guess a couple of long island iced teas are pretty cheap in comparison.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Pandora's box of all evil

According to the myth, Pandora opened a container jar releasing all the evils of mankind— greed, vanity, slander, envy, pining— leaving only hope inside once she had closed it again. This describes my feelings in a pretty exact manner having started the renovation of my new apartment. We naively thought it was merely a question of tearing down the ceiling and painting a bit here and there - how wrong we were. We are in utter dispair, it seems every day is one step forward and two steps back and all that is left is the hope. Or to borrow slightly from Martin Luther King's famous speech (and refrasing it somewhat) I have a dream that one day this apartment will rise up and live out the true potential of its creed.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Second wedding *****

Yet another wedding, and quite a funky and beautiful bunch of people I doubt the people participating resembled an average sample of the Danish population! Old traditions were celebrated, such as the men kissing the bride when the grome leaves the room and cutting off the socks of the grome. It was one of those nights you never want to end. ... I would defenitely rate it 5 stars out of five.

First wedding

The first wedding in 17 years - what better way than to witness two people (a dutch and a dane) confessing eternal love in an old British castle surrounded by people waiting on you and catering your every need... no words are needed the pictures tell the tale.

Monday, August 13, 2007

home sweet home

It really beats me how they can call it 'airport arrival service' - I mean it can't be argued that the 'airport arrival' part of the word is correct but the 'service' part is rather doubtful. Returning home from Spain my luggage was left in the bermuda triangle of travel bags, a place no airline or airport seem to know anything about. One week of imagining my bag drifting off in the stream of nameless bags never to return home finally came to an end Saturday - I felt almost 100% happy when bringing the bag home and seeing it on my door step - maybe there just is no bag bermuda triangle or maybe my bag just got away in time, but thank God it is back

Sunday, August 12, 2007

surf adventures=teenage holiday

Our intentions were pure, however what was supposed to be an active vacation learning how to kite surf ended up a more a teenage holiday than any vacation I have been on the last 13 years. But can you do when the weather doesn't allow you to kite surf and you somehow forget to eat because the drinks somehow are more compelling and tastier?! I didn't think I still had it in me to sleep very little and go out every night but apparently it is not that difficult when you have fun. I still really would like to learn the art of kite surfing and in our case we only got to the point of playing with the kite not actually trying it on water but until next year I will have to dream about those long exotic nights with a steady stream of malibu-coke and warm days at the beach admiring the tricks made possible. In those dreams I will leave out the bloody acidents with people getting their ears or other body parts cut off due to the strenghts and speed of the strings when the kite falls to the ground..

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Small lady, big voice and very big hair

That is one small bighaired legend. Fortunately still alive which is rare for legends, lauryn Hill boozed energy and carma last night when performing in Vega. Her reviews from the previous concerts on the tour have been excrutiatingly bad so our expectations were low but despite a strained voice and an orcestra trying to drown her in noise she did really really well! She is so petite and yet she (and her hair) filled out the whole scene and the room especially when singing those Fugees songs that everyone seemed to know. She was jumping around and it was virtually impossible to get a proper picture of her and with a room temperature that made you feel like being in a tropical jungle the camera was almost slipping out of my hands - all I managed to catch with my lense was a big bold man's head. Judging from the floor after the concert a lot of people must have tried quencing the thirts and cooling the body with beer.

Highly innovative take away

Apparently there is no limits as to getting access to take away food; by foot, by car or boat. Last weekend I saw my first take away for people in small boats and even though I doubt the success of this I must admit I love them for thinking in new ways of catering every need and making money. Respect!