Thursday, July 19, 2007

Small lady, big voice and very big hair

That is one small bighaired legend. Fortunately still alive which is rare for legends, lauryn Hill boozed energy and carma last night when performing in Vega. Her reviews from the previous concerts on the tour have been excrutiatingly bad so our expectations were low but despite a strained voice and an orcestra trying to drown her in noise she did really really well! She is so petite and yet she (and her hair) filled out the whole scene and the room especially when singing those Fugees songs that everyone seemed to know. She was jumping around and it was virtually impossible to get a proper picture of her and with a room temperature that made you feel like being in a tropical jungle the camera was almost slipping out of my hands - all I managed to catch with my lense was a big bold man's head. Judging from the floor after the concert a lot of people must have tried quencing the thirts and cooling the body with beer.

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