Sunday, July 8, 2007

Social overdose?

Is it possible to get a social overdose?! Or is rather a question of 'the more the better'? Despite what seems like a momentary monsoon people are in a summer mood and there is no stopping them from going out and in good company you almost forget the sudden shift of weather. After an extremely social weekend starting with old high school friends in Århus and ending with old and never friends in Copenhagen last night I have now had the pleasure of 2 hours alone in my favourite chair reading the newspaper and drinking a morning coffee. It is time to recharge for another hectic week....


Anonymous said...

Skøn aften med tourguide Hovesan! ...behageligt selskab, god mad og usandsynligt lækre vanille-drinks; hvad mere kan man snart forlange!?! Flere af den slags, ja tak :o) /O

Anonymous said...

Hello Hove, kan kun sige det var absolut fantastisk at se dig igen. Du var smuk som altid. Min gamle ven, lad der ikke gå så lang tid igen.