Sunday, July 8, 2007

Soul food

Your body is you home - some even say your temple, so why do we treat it so careless sometimes?! I once read an article about one of Denmark's biggest playboys, the model Oliver Bjerrehus, who apparently always would make himself a healthy vitamin rich smoothie the day after a big night out with too much booze and drugs. It was his way of trying to make amends somehow and I remember smiling a bit over this. Today I found myself doing the same, feeling that my body was in urgent need of repair after too many sweet colourful drinks the last two days. This is the result of a careful selection of all the ingredients I found most suitable for getting my organs kickstarted again. Soul food, slow food or whatever it is called - I just hope my "home/temple" will forgive me for treating it somewhat careless sometimes.


Dex Dexter said...

The rumour has it that you have had your share of drinks and parties over the last decade ... Knowing that, I'm afraid it takes more than the small plate of slow food to make up for it ... But as they say: viele Wenig machen ein Viel. And, I happen to know that you're doing something very good for your body saturday day -before hitting the bars of Copenhagne in the evening again!!!

Dex Dexter said...

What are the square things on the plate anyway???

Anonymous said...

Square things? ...Tofu I guess Dex. Soy protein blocks, known for being good for almost everything.

Anonymous said...