Thursday, July 19, 2007

Small lady, big voice and very big hair

That is one small bighaired legend. Fortunately still alive which is rare for legends, lauryn Hill boozed energy and carma last night when performing in Vega. Her reviews from the previous concerts on the tour have been excrutiatingly bad so our expectations were low but despite a strained voice and an orcestra trying to drown her in noise she did really really well! She is so petite and yet she (and her hair) filled out the whole scene and the room especially when singing those Fugees songs that everyone seemed to know. She was jumping around and it was virtually impossible to get a proper picture of her and with a room temperature that made you feel like being in a tropical jungle the camera was almost slipping out of my hands - all I managed to catch with my lense was a big bold man's head. Judging from the floor after the concert a lot of people must have tried quencing the thirts and cooling the body with beer.

Highly innovative take away

Apparently there is no limits as to getting access to take away food; by foot, by car or boat. Last weekend I saw my first take away for people in small boats and even though I doubt the success of this I must admit I love them for thinking in new ways of catering every need and making money. Respect!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Soul food

Your body is you home - some even say your temple, so why do we treat it so careless sometimes?! I once read an article about one of Denmark's biggest playboys, the model Oliver Bjerrehus, who apparently always would make himself a healthy vitamin rich smoothie the day after a big night out with too much booze and drugs. It was his way of trying to make amends somehow and I remember smiling a bit over this. Today I found myself doing the same, feeling that my body was in urgent need of repair after too many sweet colourful drinks the last two days. This is the result of a careful selection of all the ingredients I found most suitable for getting my organs kickstarted again. Soul food, slow food or whatever it is called - I just hope my "home/temple" will forgive me for treating it somewhat careless sometimes.

Social overdose?

Is it possible to get a social overdose?! Or is rather a question of 'the more the better'? Despite what seems like a momentary monsoon people are in a summer mood and there is no stopping them from going out and in good company you almost forget the sudden shift of weather. After an extremely social weekend starting with old high school friends in Århus and ending with old and never friends in Copenhagen last night I have now had the pleasure of 2 hours alone in my favourite chair reading the newspaper and drinking a morning coffee. It is time to recharge for another hectic week....

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Sunday blues

Normally Sunday is a day for blues, the weekend has ended and the next day a new week starts, it is - on a smale scale though - a bit like the day after New Year's eve where a new year begins and somehow you get the blues. Apparently Sundays don't have to be like that, I just discovered. I went with my friend and her boyfriend to a trailer park festival where people were dressed up in the weirdest looking clothes or maybe it was just us who hadn't understood that dress code. But fun it certainly was, good music, a lot of people to look at, lots of girls kissing with each other and great company.